Day 3. Siula Pass.
Summary: A long, easy hike with some great views on the first half. The second half of the day is somewhat of a chore, and joins the Valley Circuit. Many folks on the Valley Circuit take Siula Pass, making this a social exception to the rest of the Alpine Circuit.
Elevation Gain: 600m Elevation Loss: 900m Time: 6h Distance: 13km
Descent #1: Hike down (S) from camp at Chaclan Lake (4487m) on the W side of the creek to the Carhuacocha Valley (4150m; 0.5h) and cross it.
Ascent #1: Walk through the mini-valley to the E of the moraine wall that circles Gangrajanca Lake. Pass Gangrajanca on its E side, a new lake caused by a rockslide on its W side, and Siula Lake on its E side. Make a rising traverse, following a well-worn trail system, up a steep grass slope. Eventually gain a shoulder (2.5h) and walk into a hanging valley. Meander up a switchbacking trail at the end of the valley to reach Siula Pass (4834m; 3.5h). A more adventurous and scenic alternative is to traverse the foothills directly south of Carhuacocha and directly east of the Siula Lakes chain.
Descent #2: Walk down from the pass, aiming for a second pass on your right (S). Cross through this second pass (4710m), then descend the long, gradual valley to Carnicero Lake (4441m) and beyond to the Valley Circuit campsite called “Huayhuash”. There, you will have to pay a trekking fee (S/30). Pay it and camp here. Please do not try to haggle or avoid paying fees as it jeopardizes access to the Alpine Circuit (see Access Issues). Alternatively, you can pay the fee and hike uphill for 3 hours to camp at Trapecio Lakes; see Day 4). A second alternative is avoid the Huayhuash camp altogether by ascending grass slopes 1.5km south of Carnicero Lake to a grassy bench, then hike southward on the bench to rejoin the trail at the foot of headwall below Trapecio Lakes.
Summary: A long, easy hike with some great views on the first half. The second half of the day is somewhat of a chore, and joins the Valley Circuit. Many folks on the Valley Circuit take Siula Pass, making this a social exception to the rest of the Alpine Circuit.
Elevation Gain: 600m Elevation Loss: 900m Time: 6h Distance: 13km
Descent #1: Hike down (S) from camp at Chaclan Lake (4487m) on the W side of the creek to the Carhuacocha Valley (4150m; 0.5h) and cross it.
Ascent #1: Walk through the mini-valley to the E of the moraine wall that circles Gangrajanca Lake. Pass Gangrajanca on its E side, a new lake caused by a rockslide on its W side, and Siula Lake on its E side. Make a rising traverse, following a well-worn trail system, up a steep grass slope. Eventually gain a shoulder (2.5h) and walk into a hanging valley. Meander up a switchbacking trail at the end of the valley to reach Siula Pass (4834m; 3.5h). A more adventurous and scenic alternative is to traverse the foothills directly south of Carhuacocha and directly east of the Siula Lakes chain.
Descent #2: Walk down from the pass, aiming for a second pass on your right (S). Cross through this second pass (4710m), then descend the long, gradual valley to Carnicero Lake (4441m) and beyond to the Valley Circuit campsite called “Huayhuash”. There, you will have to pay a trekking fee (S/30). Pay it and camp here. Please do not try to haggle or avoid paying fees as it jeopardizes access to the Alpine Circuit (see Access Issues). Alternatively, you can pay the fee and hike uphill for 3 hours to camp at Trapecio Lakes; see Day 4). A second alternative is avoid the Huayhuash camp altogether by ascending grass slopes 1.5km south of Carnicero Lake to a grassy bench, then hike southward on the bench to rejoin the trail at the foot of headwall below Trapecio Lakes.
The only way was into the icefall, and it was an unholy place... An improbable ice fin crossed a vast crevasse, and today, as we were on it, it was splitting apart. Twenty minutes later we heard a thunder behind us; the fin had died. Going on or going down both looked equally bad, so we ate some food where we stood, trying not to think about the creaks and groans from under our feet. It really hotted up when a sérac fifty feet away keeled over, crashing through our route, as we ran nowhere looking for shelter. All this spoiled our breakfast... ~ Christopher Jones, 1969 |